Daily Tips

Are there social rules in perfumery?

Traditionally, good taste used to be related to using perfume, not for the fragrance itself but how it was applied.

Traditionally, good taste used to be related to using perfume, not for the fragrance itself but how it was applied.

Wearing too much perfume was a sign of poor taste and an intense fragrance was considered vulgar. Luckily, nowadays, this is considered old fashion and the way we use perfume has changed a lot. We can wear perfume in layers (layering) to have a long-lasting scent, we can refresh or perfume during the day and even have different intensities and concentrations in fragrances to satisfy all kinds of consumers. But are there social rules in perfumery? Yes, but maybe not explicit.

The same way we use logic in the way we dress, we must use it in perfumery. If we are not wearing a wool coat to the beach or a chiffon blouse for skiing, we are not going to wear an intense extract of perfume in warm weather or a splash one in winter. The first one would be awkward for those around us, and the second will be imperceptible in minutes.

Here are some tips to use your perfume:

**At work.** If your fragrance is intense and with personality, use less quantity and only in pulse areas. Avoid wearing it in all your body and clothes. If you are wearing a soft perfume, do as you wish but observe the reactions around you. If people notice a lot your scent maybe you’re wearing too much. <br><br>

**In your personal life. **There’s nothing like smelling good for those we love. Here everything works. You can perfume your hair, a scarf for your neck and of course, yourself. If you want a romantic touch, follow Mademoiselle Chanel’s advice: perfume the areas of your body you want to be kissed. <br><br>

**In your daily life.** Perfume is always a life partner; we use it when we go shopping and just for a walk. For those moments, use a lighter and “easier” fragrance: a soft perfume, light florals, sweet and fresh combinations or the Eau de Toilette version. Perfume must give you comfort, sense of clean and reflect a positive image of yourself. <br><br>

**To work out. **We don’t recommend wearing perfume because it can be uncomfortable for you and the rest. If you really want to wear a fragrance, then use a fresh and light one and save your perfume for the after workout.

At work. If your fragrance is intense and with personality, use less quantity and only in pulse areas. Avoid wearing it in all your body and clothes. If you are wearing a soft perfume, do as you wish but observe the reactions around you. If people notice a lot your scent maybe you’re wearing too much.

**In your personal life. *There’s nothing like smelling good for those we love. Here everything works. You can perfume your hair, a scarf for your neck and of course, yourself. If you want a romantic touch, follow Mademoiselle Chanel’s advice: perfume the areas of your body you want to be kissed.

In your daily life. Perfume is always a life partner; we use it when we go shopping and just for a walk. For those moments, use a lighter and “easier” fragrance: a soft perfume, light florals, sweet and fresh combinations or the Eau de Toilette version. Perfume must give you comfort, sense of clean and reflect a positive image of yourself.

*To work out. **We don’t recommend wearing perfume because it can be uncomfortable for you and the rest. If you really want to wear a fragrance, then use a fresh and light one and save your perfume for the after workout.

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