
Nelly Hachem-Ruiz

Stretch matter to recreate its power, make the sensations it triggers extreme and capture all its sensory dimensions, including color at its very

For Nelly, happiness is the perfume that fixes the sensory impressions that fade too quickly, the wonderful experiences that are the very essence of life and that end too soon Perfume has the power to evoke loved ones even after death Perfume is childhood, the source, where it all began.
As soon as you meet Nelly, you understand her vision of perfume, a very intimate connection with the perfume that drives her creations. Nelly is very welcoming, very spontaneous and very generous. She is willing to openly share her experiences, her circle and her life. She mounts walls of photographs in highly organised arrangements with a profusion of colours. At home, her walls are covered with smiling faces. At the office, the photos are of places whose essence she wishes she could bottle Photo albums in her wardrobes. On his phone, in his wallet. She loves to capture happiness for fear of it slipping from her memory and perhaps she is not possessive of her happiness, perhaps she savours it briefly and passes it on. Nelly lives a life of dazzling white, surrounded by a colourful halo of captured moments, and that is what she uses to compose her fragrances. That, and the certainty that time is passing.
Nelly devoted as much energy, perseverance and determination to perfumery as she once did to swimming. After being terrified of water as a child, she was a competitive swimmer for six years. The experience taught her team spirit and to do her best to beat her personal best: "The goal was always to go faster and further, even if it didn't feel like it all the time. When you're running you don't know where you are, whether you're near the end or not, you just think about going faster. Those years helped me become the woman I am today.

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