
Honorine Blanc-Hattab

Master Perfumer Honorine Blanc is a woman who combines an undeniable personal strength with the sensibility of a true artistic spirit. She does not smell her fragrances, she feels them.

Master Perfumer Honorine Blanc is a woman who combines undeniable personal strength with the sensitivity of a true artistic spirit. She does not smell her fragrances, she feels them.
Born in Beirut, where she spent her early years, her character was shaped by its dynamic and refined culture. She studied in Paris, where she was introduced to the world of perfumery. Honorine came to New York through Master Perfumer Sophia Grojsman, from where she has never left.
When it comes to her work, Honorine is a perfectionist. She wants to create fragrances that are "imperfect and addictive, full of new ideas, tensions and emotions. Understanding them helps me to create new structures and textures". She is passionate about communicating what only perfumes can: forms that transport us with the simplicity and clarity of their structures, adding the intangible sensuality and addictiveness that make a fragrance great.
Honorine loves to create without the boundaries of a project, as she relishes the opportunity to take a risk and make a new statement. "I don't believe in rules when I work on a fragrance. I want to free myself and unleash my mind to explore new territory. That's when I can be most creative. Like her fragrances, she is vulnerable, questioning, provocative and very much alive.
And that is how Honorine's perfumery puts us in a delicious state of intoxication, desire, freedom and fearlessness. When asked what defines her as a perfumer, she replies: "I love challenges and I demand a lot of myself. My biggest fear is waking up one day with no new ideas to create. Living on the edge of fear is my personal abyss, dangerous and delicious. It exhorts me to push myself harder." "

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