

Citrus, mandarin, sparkling.

Sparklingly bright, yuzu is an hesperidic note most common to fine perfumery. Its zesty, tonic facets are reminiscent of mandarin—a little sweet, a little tart, and always unmistakably fresh. Its citrus-esque facets float as top notes in intoxicating accords.

Data sheet
Natural raw material
Extraction Method
Cold expression
Used parts


A rarity in the citrus world, yuzus are a petite hesperidic fruit native to China and, today, are mostly found in Japan. Sometimes known as “Japanese citron,” yuzu is a sort of hybrid between wild mandarin and Citrus ichangensis. Its color varies from green to more yellow-ish depending on maturity, and they’re typically quite petite (although occasionally they can reach the size of grapefruits). Its peel and juice are spritely fragrant, thus explaining the fruit’s inevitable popularity among perfume houses. The essential oil of yuzu is obtained through cold expression of the peel.


People's Republic of China, Japan

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